Welcome to
Majin Kurirunks's Page!!
Last updated:12/4/00
Hi, currently the most popular section of my site is most likely the pics section, so if you would like any then feel free to take them and use them any way you want, after all, all I did was swipe them from other people's sites(most of them anyway). If you would like to submit any fan art, then just email me at spike_514thebard@yahoo.com . Also if you are interested in DBZ RPG's please join Dragon Ball Z Alternate Universe. Also, don't take the fan art of the characters that I made up please,now on the other hand, if you want DBZ Fan Art, then email me asking for permission.
News 11/19/00: Hi everybody! Sorry for the lack of updates, I didn't have anything else to put on here. But sofar, I've updated the Trunks and Gohan section. I'm going to put new fan art up soon on the DBZ Fan Art Page, but they're still all mine, so c'mon everybody, SEND IN YOUR FANART!!!!!!!!!!!!!
News 12/4/00:Hi, the poll has ended with Trunks as the winner with 15 votes, Gohan in second with 12 votes, and Gokou in third with 7 votes. I should have a new poll up by tomorrow, if not sooner. -Kurirunks